John 8:3-20

Coverdale(i) 3 And ye scrybes and Pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in aduoutrye, and set her there openly, 4 and sayde vnto him: Master, this woman was taken in aduoutrye, eue as the dede was adoynge. 5 Moses in the lawe commaunded vs to stone soch. What sayest thou? 6 This they sayde, to tempte him, that they might haue wherof to accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and wrote with his fynger vpo the grounde. 7 Now whyle they contynued axynge him, he lift him self vp, and sayde vnto them: He that is amonge you without synne, let him cast the first stone at her. 8 And he stouped downe agayne, and wrote vpon the grounde. 9 But whan they herde that, they wente out, one after another: the eldest first, and left Iesus alone, and the woman stondinge before him. 10 Iesus lift himself vp, and whan be sawe no man but the woman, he sayde vnto her: Woman, where are thine accusers? Hath noman condempned the? 11 She sayde: LORDE, no man. Iesus sayde: Nether do I codempne the, Go thy waye, and synne nomore. 12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, and sayde: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shal not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life. 13 Then sayde the Pharises vnto him: Thou bearest recorde of thy self, thy recorde is not true. 14 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my self, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came, and whither I go: but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15 Ye iudge after the flesh, I iudge no man: 16 but yf I iudge, my iudgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the father that hath sent me. 17 It is wrytten also in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true. 18 I am one that beare wytnesse of my self: And the father that sent me, beareth wytnes of me also. 19 Then sayde they vnto him: Where is thy father? Iesus answered: Ye nether knowe me ner yet my father.Yf ye knewe me, ye shulde knowe my father also. 20 These wordes spake Iesus vpon the Godschest, as he taught in the teple. And noman toke him, for his houre was not yet come.