10 and the LORDE turned him vnto Iob, whe he prayed for his frendes: Yee the LORDE gaue Iob twyse as moch as he had afore.
11 And the came there vnto him all his brethren, all his sisters with all them that had bene off his acquatauce afore, and ate bred with him in his house, wondringe at him, ad comfortinge him ouer all the trouble, that the LORDE had brought vpon him. Euery ma gaue him a shepe and a Iewell of golde.
12 And the LORDE made Iob richer then he was before: for he had xiiij.M. shepe, vi.M. camels, a M. yock oxe, and a M. asses.
13 He had children also: vij. sonnes and iij. doughters.
14 The first he called Daye, the seconde, pouerte: the thirde, All plenteousnes.
15 In all the londe were none founde so fayre, as the doughters of Iob, & their father gaue them enheritaunce amonge their brethren.
16 After this lyued Iob xl. yeares, so that he sawe his children, & his childers children vnto the fourth generacion.
17 And so he dyed, beinge olde & of a perfecte age.