Isaiah 34:11-17

Coverdale(i) 11 But Pellicanes, Storkes, great Oules, and Rauens shall haue it in possession, & dwell therein. For God shal sprede out the lyne of desolacion vpon it, & weye it with the stones of emptynes. 12 When kinges are called vpo, there shalbe none, and all princes shalbe awaye. 13 Thornes shal growe in their palaces, nettels & thistles in their stronge holdes, yt the dragons maye haue their pleasure therin, & that they maye be a courte for Estriches. 14 There shal straunge visures and monstruous beastes mete one another, & the wylde kepe company together. There shal the lamia lye, & haue hir lodginge. 15 There shall the hedghogge buylde, digge, be there at home, and bringe forth his yongeones. There shal the kytes come together, ech one to his like. 16 Seke thorow the scripture of the LORDE & rede it. There shal none of these thinges be left out, there shal not one (ner soch like) fayle. For what his mouth commaundeth, that same doth his sprete gather together (or fulfilleth). 17 Vpon whom so euer ye lot fallet, or to whom he dealeth it with the line: those shal possesse the enheritaunce from generacion to generacion, and dwel therin.