Isaiah 19:5-10

Coverdale(i) 5 The water of the see shalbe drawe out, Nilus shal synke awaye, & be dronke vp. 6 The ryuers also shalbe drawen out, the welles shal decreace and drie awaye. Rede and rush shal fayle, 7 the grasse by the waters syde or vpon ye ryuers bancke, yee and what so euer is sowen by the waters, shalbe wythered, destroyed, & brought to naught. 8 The fyshers shall mourne, all soch as cast angles in the water, shal complayne, & they that sprede their nettes in the water, shalbe faynt harted. 9 Soch as laboure vpon flax & sylcke, shal come to pouerte, & they also that weeue fyne workes. 10 All the poundes of Egipte, all the policie of their Moates & diches shal come to naught.