5 and as it were the licknesse of foure beastes, which were fashioned like a man: sauynge,
6 that euery one had foure faces and foure wynges.
7 Their legges were straight, but their fete were like bullockes fete, and they glistred, as it had bene fayre scoured metall.
8 Vnder their wynges vpon all the foure corners, they had mens hondes. Their faces and their wynges were towarde the foure corners:
9 yet were the wynges so, that one euer touched another. When they wente, they turned them not aboute: but ech one wente straight forwarde.
10 Vpon the rightside off these foure, their faces were like the face off a man and the fa off a Lyon: But vpon the leftside, they had the face off an oxe and the face off an Aegle.
11 Their faces also and their wynges were spred out aboue: so that two wynges off one touched euer two wynges off another, and with the other two they couered their bodie.
12 Euery one when it wente, it wente straight forwarde. Where as the sprete led them, thither they wente, and turned not aboute in their goynge.
13 The fashion and countenauce of the beestes was like hote coales off fyre, euen as though burnynge cresshettes had bene amonge the beestes: and the fyre gaue a glistre, and out off the fyre there wente lighteninge.
14 Whe ye beestes wete forwarde & backwarde, one wolde haue thought it had lightened.