15 Now whe I had well considered the beestes, I sawe a worke off wheles vpon the earth with foure faces also like the beestes.
16 The fashion & worke of the wheles was like the see. The foure wheles were ioyned and made (to loke vpon) as it had bene one whele in another.
17 When one wente forwarde, they wente all foure, and turned the not aboute i their goinge.
18 They were large, greate and horrible to loke vpon. Their bodies were full off eyes rounde aboute them all foure. Whe the beestes wete, the wheles wente also with them:
19 And when the beestes lift them selues vp from ye earth, the wheles were lift vp also.
20 Whyther so euer the sprete wente, thither wente they also, & ye wheles were lift vp & folowed the. for ye sprete of life was in the wheles.
21 When ye beestes wete forth, stode still, or lift themselues vp from the earth: then the wheles also wente, stode still, & were lift vp, for ye breth off life was in the wheles.
22 Aboue ouer ye heades of the beestes there was a firmament, which was fashioned as it had bene off the most pure Christall, & that was spred out aboue vpon their heades:
23 vnder the same firmament were their wynges layed abrode, one towarde another, and two wynges couered the body of euery beest.
24 And when thy wente forth, I herde the noyse off their wynges, like the noyse of greate waters, as it had bene the voyce off the greate God, and a russhinge together as it were off an hoost off men. And when they stode still, they let downe their