Ephesians 4:17-32

Coverdale(i) 17 This I saye therfore, and testifye in the LORDE, that ye walke nomore as ye other Heythen walke in the vanite of their mynde, 18 blynded in their vnderstondinge, beynge straungers fro the life which is in God thorow the ignoraunce that is in them, because of the blyndnes of their hert: 19 which beynge past repentaunce, haue geue them selues ouer vnto wantonnes, to worke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredynesse. 20 But ye haue not so learned Christ, 21 yf so be that ye haue herde of him, & are taught in him, euen as the trueth is in Iesu. 22 So then as concernynge the conuersacion in tyme past laye from you that olde man which marreth himselfe thorow disceauable lustes: 23 but be ye renued in the sprete of youre mynde, 24 and put on that new man, which is shapen after God, in true righteousnes and holynes. 25 Wherfore put awaye lyenge, and speake euery man the trueth vnto his neghboure, for as moch as we are membres one of another. 26 Be angrie, but synne not. Let not ye Sonne go downe vpo youre wrath: 27 nether geue place to the bacbyter. 28 He that hath stollen, let him steale nomore: but let him laboure rather, and do some good with his hondes, that he maye haue to geue vnto him that nedeth. 29 Let no filthy communicacion proceade out of youre mouth, but that which is good to edifye withall, wha nede is, that it be gracious to heare. 30 And greue not the holy sprete of God, wherwith ye are sealed vnto ye daye of redempcion. 31 Let all bytternes, and fearsnes, and wrath, and roaringe, & cursed speakynge be farre fro you with all maliciousnes. 32 But be ye curteous one to another, mercifull, and forgeue one another, eue as God hath forgeuen you in Christ.