Deuteronomy 24:1-4

Coverdale(i) 1 Whan a man taketh a wife, and marieth her, and she findeth no fauoure in his eyes because of eny vnclennesse, the shal he wryte a byll of deuorcemet, and geue it her in hir hade, and sende her out of his house. 2 Yf whan she is gone out of his house, she go, and be another mans wyfe, 3 and the same seconde man hate her also, & wryte a byll of deuorcement, and geue it her in hir hande, and sende her out of his house: Or yf the same seconde man dye, which toke her to wife, 4 then hir first husbande that put hir awaie, maie not take hir againe to be his wife, in so moch as she is defyled, for that is abhominacion before the LORDE: that thou make not the londe to synne, which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the to enheritauce.