Daniel 5:6-9

Coverdale(i) 6 Then chaunged the kynge his countenaunce, and his thoughtes troubled him: so that the ioyntes off his body shoke, and his knees smote one agaynst the other. 7 Wherfore the kynge cryed mightely, that they shulde brynge him the charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels. The kynge spake also to the wyse men of Babilon, and sayde: Who so can rede this wrytynge, and shewe me the playne meanynge theroff: shall be clothed with purple, haue a cheyne off golde aboute his necke, and rule the thirdeparte off my kyngdome. 8 Vpon this, came all the kynges wyse men: but they coude nether rede the wrytinge, ner shewe the kynge what it signified. 9 The was the kynge sore afrayed, in so moch, that his coloure chaunged, and his lordes were sore vexed.