11 sayenge vnto me: O Daniel, thou well beloued man: take good hede of the wordes, that I shal saye vnto ye, & stode right vp, for vnto ye am I now sent. And when he had sayde these wordes, I stode vp tremblinge.
12 Then saide he vnto me: feare not Daniel: for why, sence the first daye that thou set thine herte to vnderstonde, and didest chasten thy self before thy God: thy wordes haue bene herde. And I had come vnto the whe thou begannest to speake,
13 had not the prynce ouer the kingdome of the, Perses wt stonde me xxj. dayes. But lo, Michael one of the chefe prynces, came to helpe me, him haue I left by the kinge of Persia,
14 & am come to shewe the, what shal happen vnto thy people in the latter dayes: for it wilbe loge yet or the vision be fulfilled.