Acts 15:25-30

Coverdale(i) 25 it semed good vnto vs, beynge gathered together with one accorde, to chose out men, and to sende them vnto you, with oure beloued Barnabas and Paul, 26 men that haue ioperded their lyues for ye name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ. 27 Therfore haue we sent Iudas and Sylas, which shal also tell you the same with wordes. 28 For it pleased the holy goost and vs, to laye no charge vpon you, more then these necessary poyntes: 29 That ye absteyne from the offeringes of Idols, and from bloude, and from strangled, and from whordome. From the which yf ye absteyne youre selues, ye shal do well. Fare ye well. 30 Whan these were sent forth, they came vnto Antioche, and gathered the multitude together, and delyuered the epistle.