26 Ye men and brethren, ye children of the generacion of Abraham, and they that feare God amonge you, vnto you is ye worde of this saluacion sent.
27 For the inhabiters of Ierusalem, and their rulers, for somoch as they knewe him not, ner yet the voyces of the prophetes (which are red euery Sabbath) haue fulfylled them in condemnynge him.
28 And though they founde no cause of death in him, yet desyred they Pilate to kyll him.
29 And whan they had fulfylled all that was wrytten of him, they toke him downe from the tre, and layed him in a sepulcre.
30 But on ye thirde daye God raysed him vp from the deed,
31 and he appeared many dayes vnto the, that wente vp with him from Galile vnto Ierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people.
32 And we also declare vnto you ye promes, which was made vnto oure fathers,
33 how that God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their children, in yt he raysed vp Iesus agayne. As it is wrytten in the seconde Psalme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the.
34 But that he hath raysed him vp fro the deed, now nomore to returne to corrupcion, he sayde on this wyse: The grace promysed to Dauid, wyl I faithfully kepe vnto you.
35 Therfore sayeth he also in another place: Thou shalt not suffre thy Holy to se corrupcion.
36 For Dauid, whan he in his tyme had serued the wyll of God, he fell a slepe, and was layed by his fathers, & sawe corrupcion.
37 But he who God raysed vp agayne, sawe no corrupcion.
38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethre, yt thorow this man is preached vnto you ye forgeuenesse of synnes,