Acts 10:17-32

Coverdale(i) 17 But whyle Peter was combred in him selfe, what maner of vision this shulde be which he had sene, beholde, the men yt were sent from Cornelius, enquered after Simos house, and stode before the dore, 18 and called, and axed whether Simon (whose syrname was Peter) were lodged there. 19 Whyle Peter was musinge of the vision, the sprete sayde vnto him:beholde, the men seke the. 20 Aryse therfore, and get the downe, & go with the, and doute not, for I haue sent them. 21 Then wente Peter downe to the men, yt were sent vnto him from Cornelius, and sayde: lo, I am he whom ye seke: what is ye cause, wherfore ye are come? 22 They sayde: Cornelius the captayne, a iust man and one that feareth God, and of good reporte amoge all the people of the Iewes, was warned by an holy angell, to sende for the in to his house, and to heare wordes of the. 23 Then called he them in, and lodged them.The nexte daye after wente Peter forth with them, and certayne brethren of Ioppa bare him company. 24 And ye daye folowinge came they to Cesarea. Cornelius wayted for the, and had called together his kynssfolkes and speciall frendes. 25 And as it chaunced yt Peter came in, Cornelius mett him, and fell downe at his fete, & worshipped him. 26 But Peter toke him vp, and sayde: Stonde vp, I am a man also. 27 And as he talked wt him, he wente in, and founde many that were come together, 28 and he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe, that it is not laufull for a man beynge a Iewe to ioyne him selfe or to come to a straunger. But God hath shewed me, yt I shulde call no ma comen or vncleane. 29 Therfore haue I not douted to come, as soone as I was sent for. I axe you therfore, for what intent haue ye sent for me? 30 Cornelius sayde: It is now foure dayes agoo, then fasted I, and at the nyenth houre I prayed in my house, and beholde, there stode a ma before me in a bryghte clothinge, 31 and sayde: Cornelius, yi prayer is herde, and thine allmesse dedes are had in remebraunce iu the sighte of God. 32 Sende therfore to Ioppa, and call for one Simon (whose syrname is Peter) which is at lodginge in ye house of Simon ye taner, by the see syde: ye same wha he commeth, shal speake vnto ye.