13 But the brasen pilers in the house of the LORDE, and the seates, and the brasen lauer that was in the house of the LORDE, dyd ye Caldees breake downe, and caried the metall vnto Babilon.
14 And the pottes, shouels, fleshokes, spones, & all ye brasen vessell that was occupied in the seruyce, caried they awaye.
15 And ye chefe captayne toke awaye ye censors and basens yt were of golde and syluer,
16 two pilers, one lauer, and the seates yt Salomon had made for ye house of the LORDE. The metall of all these ornamentes coulde not be weyed.
17 Eightene cubytes hye was one piler, and ye knoppe theron was of brasse also, & thre cubytes hye: & the rope and the pomgranates vpon the knoppe rounde aboute, were all of brasse. After the same maner was the other piler also with the rope.