2 Chronicles 4:2-6

Coverdale(i) 2 And he made a molten lauer ten cubites wyde fro the one syde to the other rounde aboute, and fyue cubytes hye. And a metelyne of thirtie cubites mighte comprehende it aboute. 3 And ymages of Bullockes were vnder it. And aboute the lauer (which was ten cubites wyde) there were two rowes of knoppes, yt were molten withall. 4 It stode so vpon the bullockes, that thre were turned towarde the north, thre towarde the west, thre towarde the south, and thre towarde the east, and the lauer aboue vpon them, and all their hynder partes were on the ynsyde. 5 The thicknesse of it was an handbredth, and the edge of it was like the edge of a cuppe, and as a floured rose. And it conteyned thre thousande Batthes. 6 And he made ten kettels, wherof he set fyue on the righte hande and fyue on the lefte, to wa?she in them soch thinges as belonged to the burntofferynge, that they mighte thrust them therin: but ye lauer (made he) for for the prestes to wash in.