2 Corinthians 8:4-9

Coverdale(i) 4 and prayed vs with greate instauce, that we wolde receaue their benefite and fellishippe of the hadreachinge that is done for the sayntes: 5 And not as we loked for, but gaue ouer them selues first to the LODRE, and afterwarde vnto vs by ye wyl of God, 6 so that we coulde not but desyre Titus, that like as he had begonne afore he wolde euen so accomplish the same beniuolence amonge you. 7 Now as ye are riche in all poyntes, in faith and in worde, and in knowlege, and in all diligence, and in youre loue towarde vs, euen so se that ye be plenteous also in this benyuolece. 8 This I saye not as commaudynge, but seynge, other are so diligent, I proue youre loue also, whether it be perfecte or no. 9 For ye knowe the liberalite of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which though he be riche, yet for youre sakes he became poore, yt ye thorow his pouerte mighte be made riche.