2 Chronicles 34:3-7

Coverdale(i) 3 For in the eight yeare of his reigne wha he was yet but a childe, he beganne to seke the God of his father Dauid: and in the twolueth yeare begane he to clense Iuda and Ierusale from the hye places and groues, and carued Idols, and molten ymages: 4 and caused the altares of Baalim to be broken downe before him, and the ymages that were theron, hewed he downe. And ye groues and carued Idols and molte ymages brake he in peces, and made them to dust, and scatred it vpon the graues of them that had offred vnto them. 5 And the bones of the prestes brent he vpo the altares, and so clesed he Iuda & Ierusale, 6 & in ye cities of Manasses, Ephraim, Simeon, and vnto Nephtali in their wyldernesses on euerysyde. 7 And wha he had broken downe the altares and groues, and smytten the Idols in peces, and hewed downe all the ymages in all the londe of Israel, he came agayne to Ierusalem.