1 Kings 18:42-45

Coverdale(i) 42 And whan Achab wete vp to eate & drinke. Elias asceded vp to the toppe of Carmel, & bowed him selfe downe to the earth, & put his heade betwene his knees, 43 & sayde vnto his lad: Go vp, and loke towarde the See. He wente vp & loked, & sayde: There is nothinge. He sayde: Go agayne seuen tymes. 44 And at the seueth tyme he sayde: Beholde, there goeth vp a litle cloude out of the see, like a mans hande. He sayde: Go vp, and saie vnto Achab: Bynde yi charet, & go downe, yt the rayne ouertake the not. 45 And or a ma coulde turne him, the heauen was blacke wt cloudes & wynde, & there came a greate rayne. But Achab rode his waie, & departed vnto Iesrael.