Revelation 21:5-8

CLV(i) 5 And He Who is sitting on the throne said, "Lo! New am I making all!And He is saying, "Write, for these sayings are faithful and true." 6 And He said to me, "I have become the Alpha and the Omega, the Origin and the Consummation. To him who is thirsting I shall be giving of the spring of the water of life gratuitously." 7 He who is conquering shall be enjoying this allotment, and I shall be a God to him and he shall be a son to Me." 8 Yet the timid, and unbelievers, and the abominable, and murderers, and paramours, and enchanters, and idolaters, and all the false-their part is in the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death."