Micah 7:12-16

CLV(i) 12 In that day also, unto you shall they come from Assyria and the cities of lower Egypt, and from Tyre and unto the stream, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain." 13 Yet first the land becomes a desolation, on account of its dwellers, because of the fruit of their actions." 14 Shepherd Your people with Your club, the flock of Your allotment, tabernacling solitary in the wildwood in the midst of Carmel. They shall graze in Bashan and Gilead as in the days of the eon." 15 As the days of your faring forth from the land of Egypt, will I show marvels to them." 16 The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their mastery. They will place a hand on the mouth. Their ears will be deaf.