Matthew 20:21-28

CLV(i) 21 Now He said to her, "What are you wanting?She is saying to Him, "Say that these, my two sons, should be seated, one at Thy right and one at Thy left, in Thy kingdom." 22 Now answering, Jesus said, "You are not aware what you are requesting. Are you able to be drinking the cup which I am about to be drinking?They are saying to Him, "We are able." 23 He is saying to them, "My cup, indeed, you shall be drinking. Yet to be seated at My right and at My left is not Mine to give, but is for whom it has been made ready by My Father." 24 And, hearing of it, the ten resent as to the two brothers." 25 Now Jesus, calling them to Him, said, "You are aware that the chiefs of the nations are lording it over them, and the great are coercing them." 26 Not thus is it to be among you. But whosoever may be wanting to become great among you, let him be your servant, 27 and whoever may be wanting to be foremost among you, let him be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Mankind came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give His soul a ransom for many."