Luke 24:14-31

CLV(i) 14 And they conversed with one another concerning all of these things which have befallen. 15 And it occurred, in their conversation and discussion, Jesus Himself also, drawing near, went together with them." 16 Yet their eyes were held so as not to recognize Him. 17 Now He said to them, "What words are these which you are bandying one with another while walking?And they stood with a sad countenance." 18 Now, answering, the one named Cleopas said to Him, "You are sojourning alone in Jerusalem and did not know what things are occurring in her in these days? 19 And He said to them, "Which?Now they say to Him, "Those concerning Jesus the Nazarean, a Man Who came to be a Prophet, powerful in work and in word, in front of God and the entire people, 20 so that both our chief priests and chiefs give Him up to the judgment of death, and they crucify Him." 21 Yet we expected that He is the One about to be redeeming Israel. But surely, together with all these things also, it is leading in this third day since these things occurred." 22 But some also of our women amaze us. Coming to be at the tomb early 23 and not finding His body, they came saying that they have seen an apparition of messengers also, who say that He is living." 24 And some of those with us came away to the tomb, and they found it thus, according as the women also said, yet Him they did not perceive." 25 And He said to them, "O foolish and tardy of heart to be believing on all which the prophets speak!" 26 Must not the Christ be suffering these things, and be entering into His glory? 27 And, beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, He interprets to them, in all the scriptures, that which concerns Himself." 28 And they draw near to the village where they went, and He does as though He were going further." 29 And they urge Him, saying, "Remain with us, for it is toward dusk and the day has already declined.And He entered to remain together with them." 30 And it occurred, at His reclining at table with them, taking the bread, He blesses it, and, breaking, He handed it to them." 31 Now their eyes were opened up, and they recognize Him. And He became unapparent to them."