26 If anyone is coming to Me and is not hating his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and still more his soul besides, he can not be My disciple."
27 And anyone who is not bearing his cross and coming after Me, can not be My disciple. "
28 For which of you, wanting to build a tower, is not first seated to calculate the expense, to see if he has the wherewithal?-"
29 lest at some time, he laying a foundation and not being strong enough to finish up, all those beholding should begin to scoff at him,
30 saying that 'This man begins building and is not strong enough to finish up!'
31 Or what king, going to engage another king in battle, will not, being seated, first plan to see if he is able to meet, with ten thousand, him who is coming against him with twenty thousand?
32 Otherwise, surely, at his being still at a distance, he, dispatching an embassy, is asking the terms of peace."
33 Thus, then, everyone of you who is not taking leave of all of his possessions, can not be My disciple."