1 Behold, Yahweh making void, the land, and evacuating it! And He denudes its surface, and scatters its dwellers."
2 And it comes to be, as people, so priest, as servant, so his lord, as maid, so her mistress, as buyer, so seller, as borrowee, so borrower, as lender, so him to whom is lent."
3 Voided, yea voided shall be the land, and plundered, yea plundered shall be the ground. For the mouth of Yahweh speaks this word."
4 Mournful, disintegrated is the earth. Enfeebled, disintegrated is the habitance. Enfeebled are the heights of the people of the land,
5 and the land is polluted under its dwellers. For they trespass against the laws; they vary the statute; they annul the covenant eonian.
6 Therefore an imprecation devours the land, and dwellers in it are guilty. Therefore the dwellers are drained out of the land, and there remain but a bit of the mortals."
7 Mournful is the grape juice; enfeebled is the vine. Sigh does every rejoicing heart.
8 Cease does the elation of tambourines. Left off is the tumult of the joyous. Cease does the elation of the harp.
9 Ashamed, they are drinking no wine. And the intoxicant is bitter to its drinkers."
10 Broken is every town--a chaos. Locked is every house against entry.
11 Yelling over the wine is in the streets; the eventide is it for all rejoicing. Deported is all the elation of the land.
12 And there remains in the city, desolation, and houses, forsaken, perish, and a tumult is pounding the gate."