Genesis 18:10-15

CLV(i) 10 And saying is He, "Return, yea, return will I to you according to this season of life, and, behold! A son has Sarah, your wife.And Sarah is hearing at the opening of the tent, for she was behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah are old, coming into days. It had left off to come to Sarah, according to the path of women. 12 And laughing is Sarah within herself saying, "After my decadence shall luxury come to me? It has not come to me till now. My lord also is old. 13 And saying is Yahweh to Abraham, "Why this? Sarah laughs, saying, `Indeed, truly, shall I bear when I am old?. 14 Is it a matter too marvelous for Yahweh Elohim? At the appointed time will I return to you according to the season of life, and Sarah has a son. 15 Then dissimulating is Sarah, saying, "Not laugh did I,for she is fearful. And saying is He, "No! For laugh did you.