Exodus 14:13-28

CLV(i) 13 Then Moses said to the people: Do not fear! Station yourselves and see the salvation of Yahweh which He shall work for you today, for you see the Egyptians today, you shall not anymore see them again unto the eon. 14 Yahweh,He shall fight for you; as for you, you shall be silent. 15 Yahweh said to Moses: Why are you crying to Me? Speak to the sons of Israel that they should journey. 16 And you, raise high your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and split it, that the sons of Israel may enter into the midst of the sea on dry ground. 17 And I, behold Me making the heart of the Egyptians steadfast that they may enter after them; for I shall be glorified over Pharaoh and over all his army, over his chariots and over his horsemen. 18 Then the Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh when I am glorified over Pharaoh, over his chariots and over his horsemen. 19 Hence the messenger of the One, Elohim, who was going before the camp of Israel, journeyed and went behind them. Also the column of cloud journeyed from before them and stood behind them. 20 Thus he came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel. Over there came the cloud and darkness, yet here he lightened up the night. So this one did not come near to that one all the night. 21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and, by a strong east wind all the night, Yahweh caused the sea to go. Thus He made in the sea a drained area when the waters were split apart. 22 Then the sons of Israel entered into the midst of the sea on dry ground, and the waters were to them a wall on their right and on their left. 23 Now the Egyptians pursued and entered after them, all the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen, into the midst of the sea. 24 It came to be, in the morning vigil, when Yahweh gazed on the camp of the Egyptians in the column of fire and cloud, that He discomfited the camp of the Egypt. 25 Then He clogged the wheels of his chariots and made them drive heavily. Then the Egyptians said: Let me flee from the face of Israel, for Yahweh, He fights for them against Egypt. 26 Yahweh said to Moses: Stretch out your hand over the sea that the waters may return on the Egyptians, on their chariots and on their horsemen. 27 So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned before morning to its perennial flow, while the Egyptians were fleeing to meet it. Thus Yahweh shook off the Egyptians, in the midst of the sea, 28 for the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, all the army of Pharaoh which had been entering after them into the sea. Not even one of them remained.