4 I am praying to Yahweh my Elohim and am confessing and saying, "Oh, my Lord the El, great and fearful, Keeper of the covenant and the kindness for those loving Him and keeping His instructions:"
5 We sin and we are depraved, we do wickedly and revolt, we withdraw from Thy instructions and from Thy judgments."
6 We do not hearken to Thy servants the prophets, who speak in Thy name to our kings, our chiefs, our forefathers and to all the people of the land."
7 To Thee, my Lord, is righteousness, yet to us is shamefacedness as at this day:To each man of Judah, to the dwellers of Jerusalem, to all the people of Israel, the near and the far, in all the lands where Thou hast expelled them for their offense with which they offend Thee."
8 To Thee, Yahweh, is righteousness, yet to us is shamefacedness:To our kings, to our chiefs, to our forefathers, who sin against Thee."
9 Of Yahweh our Elohim are compassions and pardons; for we revolt against Him."
10 We do not hearken to the voice of Yahweh our Elohim, to go in His laws which He sets before us by the hand of His servants the prophets."
11 All Israel--they trespass against Thy law to withdraw so as not to hearken to Thy voice. Hence pouring forth on us is the imprecation and the oath which is written in the law of Moses, the servant of Elohim; for we sin against Him."
12 Hence He is setting up His words, which He speaks concerning us and concerning our judges who judge us, to bring on us this great evil which is not done under the entire heavens as it is done in Jerusalem."
13 According to that which is written in the law of Moses, all this evil comes on us; yet we do not beseech the face of Yahweh our Elohim, so as to turn back from our depravities and to be intelligent in all Thy truth."
14 Alert is Yahweh over the evil, and He is bringing it on us. Just is Yahweh our Elohim in all His doings which He does; yet we do not hearken to His voice."
15 And now, my Lord our Elohim, Who brought Thy people forth from the land of Egypt with a steadfast hand, and art making for Thyself a name as at this day; we sin, we are wicked."
16 My Lord, according to all Thy righteousness, pray, let Thy anger and Thy fury turn away from Thy city Jerusalem, Thy holy mountain. Because of our sins and depravities--ours and our forefathers--Jerusalem and Thy people, Lord, are a reproach to all around us."
17 And now hearken, Lord our Elohim, to the prayer of Thy servant and to his supplications. Light up Thy face over Thy desolated sanctuary on Thy account, my Lord:"
18 Stretch out, my Elohim, Thine ear and hear me; unclose Thine eyes and see our desolation and the city over which Thy name is called; for not on account of our righteousness are we casting our supplications before Thee, but on account of the multitude of Thy compassions."
19 My Lord, hear! My Lord, pardon! My Lord, attend and do! Thou must not be delaying on Thine own account, my Elohim, for Thy name is called over Thy city and over Thy people, Israel."
20 And while I am speaking-- praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and casting my supplication before Yahweh my Elohim concerning the holy mountain of my Elohim--