Leviticus 4:30-31

  30 H3548 And the priest H3947 shall take H1818 of the blood H676 there with his finger, H5414 and put H7161 it upon the horns H4196 of the altar H5930 of burnt offering, H8210 and shall pour out H1818 all the blood H3247 there at the bottom H4196 of the altar.
  31 H5493 And he shall take away H2459 all the fat H2459 there, as the fat H5493 is taken away H2077 from off the sacrifice H8002 of peace offerings; H3548 and the priest H6999 shall burn H4196 it upon the altar H5207 for a sweet H7381 smell H3068 unto the Lord; H3548 and the priest H3722 shall make an atonement H5545 for him, and it shall be forgiven him.