Jeremiah 3:3-10

CAB(i) 3 And you retained many shepherds for a stumbling block to yourself. You had a whore's face; you became shameless toward all. 4 Have you not called Me as it were a home, and the father and guide of your youth? 5 Will God's anger continue forever, or be preserved to the end? Behold, you have spoken and done these bad things, as you were able. 6 And the Lord said to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen what things the house of Israel has done to Me? They have gone on every high mountain, and under every shady tree, and have committed fornication there. 7 And I said after she had committed all these acts of fornication, Turn again to Me. Yet she returned not. And faithless Judah saw her faithlessness. 8 And I saw that (for all the sins of which she was convicted, wherein the house of Israel committed adultery, and I put her away, and gave into her hands a certificate of divorce) yet faithless Judah feared not, but went and also committed fornication herself. 9 And her fornication was nothing accounted of; and she committed adultery with wood and stone. 10 And for all these things faithless Judah turned not to Me with all her heart, but falsely.