Genesis 30:35-31:1

CAB(i) 35 And he separated in that day the spotted and speckled male goats, and all the spotted and speckled female goats, and all those that were gray among the rams, and everyone that was white among them, and he gave them into the hand of his sons. 36 And he set a distance of a three days' journey between them and Jacob. And Jacob tended the cattle of Laban that were left behind. 37 And Jacob took to himself rods of green poplar, and walnut and plane tree; and Jacob peeled white strips in them; and as he drew off the green, the white strips which he had made appeared alternate on the rods. 38 And he laid the rods which he had peeled in the hollows of the watering troughs, so that whenever the cattle should come to drink, they might conceive at the rods. 39 So the cattle conceived before the rods, and the cattle brought forth young speckled, streaked and spotted with ash-colored spots. 40 And Jacob separated the lambs, and set before the sheep a speckled ram, and every streaked one among the lambs, and he separated flocks for himself alone, and did not mingle them with Laban's sheep. 41 And it came to pass in the time that whenever the cattle became pregnant, that Jacob put the rods before the cattle in the troughs, that they might conceive by the rods. 42 But he did not put them in indiscriminately whenever the cattle happened to bring forth, but the unmarked ones were Laban's, and the marked ones were Jacob's. 43 And the man became very rich, and he had many cattle and oxen, and male and female servants, and camels and donkeys. 31 1 And Jacob heard the words of the sons of Laban, saying, Jacob has taken all that was our father's, and of our father's property has he gotten all this glory.