6 And Rachel said, God has given judgment for me, and hearkened to my voice, and has given me a son; therefore she called his name, Dan.
7 And Balla, Rachel's maid, conceived yet again, and bore a second son to Jacob.
8 And Rachel said, God has helped me, and I contended with my sister and prevailed; and she called his name, Nephthalim.
9 And Lea saw that she ceased from bearing, and she took Zelpha her maid, and gave her to Jacob for a wife; and he went in to her.
10 And Zelpha the maid of Lea conceived, and bore Jacob a son.
11 And Lea said, It is happily: and she called his name, Gad.
12 And Zelpha the maid of Lea conceived yet again, and bore Jacob a second son.
13 And Lea said, I am blessed, for the women will pronounce me blessed; and she called his name, Aser.