1 Then olde Tobias opened his mouth & praysed the Lorde, & sayde: Great art thou O lord for euermore, and thy kingdome world with out end.
2 For thou scourgest and healest, thou leadest vnto hell & bringest out againe: and there is none that may escape thyne hande.
3 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde ye children of Israel, and prayse him in the sight of the heathen:
4 For among the heathen which knowe him not hath he scattered you, to the intent that ye should shew forth his marueilous workes, and cause them for to knowe that there is none other God almightie but he.
5 He hath chastened vs for our misdeedes, & for his owne mercie sake shall he saue vs.
6 Consider then how he hath dealt with you, and prayse him with feare & dread: and magnifie the euerlasting king in your workes.
7 I wyll prayse him euen in the lande of my captiuitie: for he hath shewed his maiestie vnto a sinfull people.
8 Turne you therfore O ye sinners, and do righteousnesse before God, and be ye sure that he wyll shew his mercy vpon you.
9 As for me and my soule, we wyll reioyce in God.
10 O prayse the Lorde all ye his chosen: hold the dayes of gladnesse, & be thankefull vnto him.
11 O Hierusalem thou citie of God, the lorde hath punished thee for the workes of thyne owne handes.
12 O prayse the Lord in thy good thinges, & geue thankes to the euerlasting God, that he may build vp his tabernacle againe in thee, that he may call againe vnto thee all such as be in captiuitie, and that thou mayest haue ioy for euermore.
13 With a faire light shalt thou shyne, and all the endes of the worlde shall honour thee.
14 The people shall come vnto thee from farre, they shall bring giftes, and worship the Lorde in thee, and thy land shal they haue for a sanctuary: for they shall call vpon the great name in thee.
15 Cursed shall they be that despise thee, and all that blaspheme thee shal be condempned: But blessed shall they be that builde thee vp.
16 As for thee thou shalt reioyce in thy children: for they all shalbe blessed, and gathered together vnto the Lorde.
17 Blessed are all they that loue thee, and that be glad of thy peace.
18 Prayse thou the Lorde, O my soule: for the Lorde our God hath deliuered his citie Hierusalem from all her troubles.
19 I wyll count my selfe happy, if my seede remayne to see the clearenes of Hierusalem.
20 The gates of Hierusalem shalbe builded with Saphir and Smaragde, and all the compasse of her walles with precious stones.
21 All her streates shalbe paued with white and fayre stone, and in all streates shall Halleluia be song.
22 Praysed be the Lorde which hath exalted her, that his kingdome may be vpon her for euermore, Amen.