Titus 3:4-8

Bishops(i) 4 But after that the kyndenesse and loue of our sauiour God to manwarde appeared 5 Not of workes which [be] in ryghteousnesse wrought, but accordyng to his mercie, he saued vs by the fountayne of regeneration and renuyng of the holy ghost 6 Which he shed on vs richlie through Iesus Christe our sauiour 7 That we iustified by his grace, should be made heyres accordyng to the hope of eternall lyfe 8 [This is] a faythfull saying: And of these thynges I wyll that thou confirme, that they which haue beleued in God, myght be carefull to shewe foorth good workes. These thynges are good and profitable vnto men