Revelation 11:3-11

Bishops(i) 3 And I wyl geue power vnto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesie a thousande, two hundred, and threescore dayes, clothed in sackcloth 4 These are two oliue trees, and two candlestickes, standyng before the God of the earth 5 And yf any man wyll hurt them, fyre shal proceade out of their mouthes, & cosume their enemies: And if any man wil hurt them, this wyse must he be kylled 6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesiyng: and haue power ouer waters, to turne them to blood, and to smite the earth with all maner plagues, as often as they wyll 7 And whe they haue finished their testimonie, the beast that commeth out of the bottomlesse pit, shall make warre against them, and shal ouercome them, and kyll them 8 And their bodyes shall lye in ye streates of the great citie, which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypt, where our Lorde was crucified 9 And they of the people, and kinredes, and tongues, and they of the nations, shall see their bodyes three dayes and an halfe, & shall not suffer their bodyes to be put in graues 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them, and be glad, and shall sende gyftes one to another: for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth 11 And after three dayes and an halfe, the spirite of lyfe [commyng] from God, shall enter into them: And they shall stande vp vpon their feete, & great feare shall come vpon the which sawe them