3 For I enuied at the case of the foolishe: I sawe the wicked [flowe] in all kynde of prosperitie
4 For there be no bondes of death that can holde them: and the galaries of their houses be strong
5 They come in no misfortune lyke other folke: neither are they plagued lyke other men
6 And this is the cause that pride compasse them rounde about: and crueltie couereth them as a garment
7 Their eyes stande out for fatnesse: and the cogitations of their heartes do passe from them
8 They make other dissolute, they speake oppression with iniurie: they talke proudely and presumptuously
9 For they stretch foorth their mouth vnto the heauen: and their tongue goeth through the worlde
10 Therfore [God] his people turneth thither: and there is drawen vnto them waters in a full [cuppe.
11 And they say, howe shoulde God perceaue it? is there knowledge in the most hyghest
12 Lo these vngodly and fortunate in the worlde: do possesse riches
13 Truely I haue cleansed my heart in vayne: and wasshed my handes in innocencie
14 All the day long I haue ben scourged: and chastened euery mornyng
15 If I shoulde say that I woulde iudge after this sort: lo then I shoulde condempne the generation of thy children