Psalms 18:34-46

Bishops(i) 34 (18:33) He hath taught my handes to fyght: and myne armes to breake a bowe of steele 35 (18:34) Thou hast geuen me the shielde of thy saluation: thy ryght hande also hath helde me vp, and through thy great gentlenesse I haue increased 36 (18:35) Thou hast made me roomth inough for to go on: so that my feete haue not slypt 37 (18:36) I haue pursued myne enemies and onertaken them: neither dyd I returne backe vntyll I had destroyed them 38 (18:37) I smote them downe, and they are not able to aryse: they haue taken such a fall vnder my feete 39 (18:38) Thou hast gyrded me with strength vnto battayle: thou hast made them to bowe downe vnder me who haue rysen vp agaynst me 40 (18:39) Thou hast geuen me myne enemies neckes: and I haue destroyed them that hated me 41 (18:40) They cryed, but there was none to saue them: they cryed vnto God, but he dyd not heare them 42 (18:41) I dyd beat them to powder, like vnto dust in a wynde: I haue brought them as lowe as durt in the streates 43 (18:42a) Thou hast deliuered me from sedition of the people, and thou hast made me head of the heathen: a people whom I haue not knowen serueth me 44 (18:42b) assoone as they hearde of me, they obeyed me 45 (18:43) Children of a straunger haue made a lie vnto me: the heartes of the children of a straunger hath fayled them, and they feared in their [strong] holdes 46 (18:44) God lyueth, and he [is] my strength most worthy of blisse: and the Lorde of my saluation ought to be magnified