17 And I wyll come downe, and talke with thee there, and take of the spirite which is vpon thee, and put vpon them, and they shall beare the burthen of the people with thee, lest thou be constrayned to beare it alone
18 And say thou vnto the people, Be halowed agaynst to morowe, and ye shall eate fleshe: for your whyning is in the eares of the Lorde, seyng ye sayd, Who shall geue vs fleshe to eate? we were happy in Egypt: Therefore the Lorde wyll geue you fleshe, and ye shall eate
19 Ye shall not eate one day nor two, nor fiue dayes, neither ten, nor twentie dayes
20 But euen a moneth long, vntill it come out at the nostrels of you, and it shalbe lothsome vnto you, because that ye haue cast the Lorde aside whiche is among you, and haue wept before hym, saying: Why came we thus out of Egypt
21 And Moyses sayde: Sixe hundred thousand footemen are there of the people, among which I am: And thou hast sayd, I wyll geue them flesh, that they may eate a moneth long
22 Shall the sheepe & the oxen be slayne for them, to finde them? either shall all the fishe of the sea be gathered together for them, to suffise them
23 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Shall the Lordes hande be waxed short? Thou shalt see now whether my word shal come to passe vnto thee or not
24 And Moyses went out, and tolde the people the saying of the Lorde: and gathered the threscore and ten elders of the people, and set them rounde about the tabernacle
25 And the Lord came downe in a cloude, and spake vnto him, and toke of the spirite that was vpon him, and gaue it vnto the threscore & ten elders: And when the spirite rested vpon them, they prophesied, and dyd not ceasse