Matthew 25:14-30

Bishops(i) 14 Lykewyse, as a [certayne] man, redy to take his iourney into a straunge countrey, called his owne seruauntes, and delyuered vnto them his goodes 15 And vnto one, he gaue fyue talentes, to another two, and to another one: to euery man after his habilitie, & strayght way departed 16 Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes, went, and occupyed with the same, & made [them] other fyue talentes 17 And lykewyse, he [that receaued] two: he also gayned other two 18 But he that receaued that one, went and digged in the earth, and hyd his Lordes money 19 After a long season, the Lorde of those seruauntes commeth, and reckeneth with them 20 And so, he that had receaued fyue talentes, came, and brought other fyue talentes, saying: Lorde, thou delyueredst vnto me fyue talentes, beholde, I haue gayned with them fyue talentes mo 21 His Lorde saide vnto him: Well done, thou good and faythfull seruaut. Thou hast ben faythfull ouer fewe thynges, I wyll make thee ruler ouer manye thynges: enter thou into the ioy of thy Lorde 22 He also that had receaued two talentes, came, and sayde: Lorde thou delyueredst vnto me two talentes, beholde, I haue wonne two other taletes with them 23 His Lorde saide vnto him? Well done, good and faithfull seruaunt. Thou hast ben faythfull ouer fewe thinges, I wyl make thee ruler ouer many thynges: enter thou into the ioy of thy Lorde 24 Then he which had receaued the one talent, came, and saide: Lorde I knew thee, that thou art an harde man, reapyng where thou hast not sowen, & gatheryng where thou hast not strowed 25 And [therfore] was I afrayde, & went and hid thy talent in the earth: loe, there thou hast that thyne is 26 His Lorde aunswered, and sayde vnto hym: Thou euyll and slouthfull seruaut, thou knewest that I reape where I sowed not, and gather where I haue not strowed 27 Thou oughtest therfore to haue delyuered my money to the exchaungers, and then at my commyng shoulde I haue receaued myne owne with vauntage 28 Take therfore the talent from hym, and geue it vnto hym whiche hath ten talentes 29 For vnto euery one that hath, shalbe geuen, and he shall haue aboundaunce: But he that hath not, from hym shalbe taken away, euen that which he hath 30 And cast the vnprofitable seruaunt into vtter darknesse, there shalbe wepyng, and gnasshyng of teeth