Mark 12:19-23

Bishops(i) 19 Maister, Moyses wrote vnto vs, yf any mans brother dye, and leaue his wyfe behynde hym, & leaue no chyldren: that his brother shoulde take his wyfe, and rayse vp seede vnto his brother 20 There were seuen brethren: and the first toke a wyfe, and when he dyed, left no seede behynde hym 21 And the seconde toke her, and dyed, neither left any seede: And the thirde lykewyse 22 And seuen had her, and left no seede behynde them: Last of all, the wyfe dyed also 23 In the resurrection therfore, when they shall rise agayne, whose wyfe shall she be of them? for seuen had her to wife