Luke 9:23-27

Bishops(i) 23 And he said to the all: If any man wyl come after me, let him denie him selfe, & take vp his crosse dayly, & folowe me 24 For whosoeuer wyl saue his lyfe, shal lose it: But whosoeuer shal lose his lyfe for my sake, the same shall saue it 25 For what auauntageth it a man yf he wynne the whole worlde, and lose hym selfe, or runne in daunger of hym selfe 26 For whosoeuer shalbe ashamed of me, and of my wordes, of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed, whe he commeth in his maiestie, and in the maiestie of his father, and of the holy angels 27 I tell you of a trueth, there be some standyng here, whiche shall not taste of death, tyl they see the kingdome of God