14 But and if ye wyll not hearken vnto me, nor wyll not do after these commaundementes
15 And yf ye shall dispise myne ordinaunces, either if your soule abhorre my lawes, so that ye wyll not do all my commaundementes, but breake my couenaunt
16 I also wyll do this vnto you: For I wyll bryng vpon you fearefulnesse, consumption, and the burnyng ague to consume your eyes, and gender sorowe of heart: And ye shall sowe your seede in vayne, for your enemies shall eate it
17 And I wyll set my face agaynst you, & ye shall fall before your enemies: they that hate you shal raigne ouer you, and ye shall flee whe no man foloweth you
18 And yf ye wyl not yet for all this hearken vnto me, then wyll I punishe you seuen tymes more for your sinnes
19 And wyll breake the pride of your power, and I wyll make your heauen as iron, and your earth as brasse
20 And your labour shalbe spent in vayne: for your lande shall not geue her increase, neither shall the trees of the lande geue their fruites
21 And if ye walke contrarie vnto me, and wyll not hearken vnto me, I wyll bryng seuen tymes mo plagues vpon you, accordyng to your sinnes
22 I wyll also sende in wylde beastes vpon you, which shall robbe you of your children, and destroy your cattell, and make you fewe in number, and cause your hye wayes to be desolate
23 And if ye may not be refourmed by these thynges, but shall walke contrary vnto me
24 Then wyll I also walke contrarie vnto you, and wyl punishe you yet seuen tymes for your sinnes
25 And I wyll sende a sworde vpon you, that shall auenge my couenaunt: And when ye are gathered together within your cities, I wyll sende the pestilence among you, and ye shalbe delyuered into the hande of the enemie
26 And whe I haue broken the staffe of your bread ten wyues shall bake your bread in one ouen, and they shall deliuer you your bread agayne by wayght, ye shall eate, and not be satisfied
27 And if ye wyl not yet for all this hearken vnto me, but walke agaynst me
28 I wyll walke contrary vnto you also in indignation, and wyll chastise you seuen tymes more for your sinnes
29 And ye shall eate the fleshe of your sonnes, and the fleshe of your daughters shall ye deuour
30 I wyll destroy your hye places, and cut away your images, and cast your carkasses vpon ye bodyes of your idols, and my soule shall abhorre you
31 And I wyll make your cities desolate, and bring your sanctuarie vnto naught, and wyll not smell the sauour of your sweete odours
32 I wyll bryng the lande vnto a wildernesse, and your enemies which dwell therin shall wonder at it
33 And I wyll strowe you among the heathen, and wyll drawe out a sworde after you: and your lande shalbe waste, and your cities desolate
34 Then shall the lande enioy her Sabbathes as long as it lyeth voyde, and ye shalbe in your enemies lande: euen then shall the lande rest and enioy her Sabbathes
35 As long as it lyeth voyde, it shall rest: because it dyd not rest in your Sabbathes when ye dwelt vpon it
36 And vpon them that are left alyue of you, I will sende a fayntnesse into their heartes in the landes of their enemies: and the sounde of a shakyng leafe shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleyng from a sworde: they shall fall, no man folowyng vpon them
37 They shall fall one vpon another as it were before a sworde, euen no man folowyng vpon them, and ye shall haue no power to stand before your enemies
38 And ye shall perishe among the heathen, and the lande of your enemies shall eate you vp
39 And they that are left of you, shal pine away in their vnrighteousnesse [euen] in your enemies landes, & in the misdeedes of their fathers shall they consume with them
40 And they shal confesse their misdeedes and the misdeedes of their fathers, for their trespasse which they haue trespassed agaynst me, and for that also that they haue walked contrary vnto me
41 Therfore, I also wyll walke contrarie vnto them, and wyl bring them into the lande of their enemies: And then at the least way their vncircumcised heartes shalbe tamed, and they shall willingly accept their sinne
42 Then I wyll remember my couenaunt with Iacob, and my couenaunt with Isahac, and my couenaunt with Abraham wyll I remember, and wyll thynke on the lande
43 The lande also shalbe left of them, and shall enioy her Sabbathes whyle she lyeth waste without them: And they shall willingly accept their sinne, because they dispised my lawes, & because their soule abhorred my ordinaunces
44 And yet for all that, when they be in the lande of their enemies, I wyll not cast them away, neither wyll abhorre them to destroy them vtterly, and to breake my couenaunt with them: for I am the Lorde their God
45 I wyll for their sakes remember the couenaunt of olde, when I brought the out of the lande of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, that I myght be their God: I am the Lorde
46 These are the ordinaunces, and iudgementes, and lawes, which the Lorde made betweene hym and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hande of Moyses