Leviticus 21:17-21

Bishops(i) 17 Speake vnto Aaron, and say: Whosoeuer of thy seede in their generations hath any deformitie, let hym not prease for to offer bread vnto his God 18 For whosoeuer hath any blemishe, shall not come neare: as if he be blynde or lame, or that hath a brused nose, or that hath any misshapen member 19 Or is broken footed, or broken handed 20 Or is crooke backt, or bleare eyed, or haue a webbe or other blemishe in his eyes, or be skuruie, or skabbed, or hath his stones broken 21 No man that hath a blemishe, & is of the seede of Aaron the priest, shall come nye to offer the sacrifices of the Lorde made by fire: When he hath a deformitie, let him not prease to offer the bread of his God