Joshua 2:17-20

Bishops(i) 17 And the men sayde vnto her: We wyl be blamelesse of this thy oth which thou hast made vs sweare 18 Behold, when we come into the lande, thou shalt bynde this corde of red threde in the wyndowe whiche thou dydst let vs downe by: and thou shalt bryng thy father and thy mother, thy brethren, & all thy fathers housholde [euen] into thy house 19 And then whosoeuer doeth go out at the doores of thy house into the streate, his blood shalbe vpon his owne head, and we wyll be gyltlesse: And who soeuer shalbe with thee in the house, his blood shalbe on our head yf any mans hande touche hym 20 And if thou vtter these our wordes, we wilbe quite of thy oth which thou hast made vs sweare