2 Shall he whom the almightie wyl chasten, contend with him? Should not he which disputeth with God, geue him an aunswere
3 Then Iob aunswered the Lorde, saying
4 Beholde, I am vyle, what shall I aunswere thee, [therefore] I wyll laye my hande vpon my mouth
5 Once haue I spoken, but I wyll saye no more: yea twyse, but I wyl proceede no further
6 Then aunswered the Lorde vnto Iob out of the whirle winde, and saide
7 Girde vp thy loynes now lyke a man: I wyll demaunde of thee, and make thou aunswere
8 Wylt thou disanul my iudgement? or wylt thou condempne me, that thou mayst be righteous