20 The vngodly soroweth all the dayes of his lyfe as it were a woman with childe, and the number of a tirauntes yeres is vnknowen
21 A feareful sounde is [euer] in his eares, and when he is in peace, the destroyer shall come vpon him
22 He beleueth neuer to be deliuered out of darknesse: for the sworde is alwayes before his eyes
23 He wandreth abrode for bread where it is, knowing that the day of darkenesse is redie at his hande
24 Trouble and anguishe wil make him afrayde, and compasse him about, as is a king in the middest of an armie
25 For he hath stretched out his hande against God, and armed him selfe against the almightie
26 He runneth proudly vpon him, & with a stiffe necke fighteth he against him
27 Where as he couereth his face with fatnesse, and maketh his body well lyking