Jeremiah 9:1-9

Bishops(i) 1 O who wyll geue my head water inough, and a wel of teares for mine eyes, that I may weepe night and day for the slaughter of my people 2 Woulde God that I had a cottage somewhere farre from folke, that I might leaue my people and go from them, for they be all adulterers and a shrinking sort 3 They bend their tongues like vowes to shoote out lyes, they waxe strong vppon earth: As for the trueth, they may nothing away withall in the worlde, for they go from one wickednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, saith the Lorde 4 Yea, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his owne brother: for one brother vndermindeth another, one neighbour beguileth another 5 Yea, one dissembleth with another, and they deale with no trueth: They haue practised their tongues to lye, and taken great paynes to do mischiefe 6 Thou sittest in the middes of a deceiptfull people, which for very dissembling falshood wyll not knowe me, saith the Lorde 7 Therefore thus saith the Lorde of hoastes: Beholde, I wyll melt them and trye them: for what shoulde I els do to my people 8 Their tongues are like sharpe arrowes to speake deceipt: with their mouth they speake peaceablie to their neighbour, but priuilie they lay wayte for hym 9 Should I not punishe them for these thinges, saith the Lorde? or shoulde I not be auenged of any suche people as this