Jeremiah 9:1-9

Coverdale(i) 1 O who will geue my heade water ynough, & a well of teares for myne eyes: that I maye wepe night ad daye, for the slaughter of my people? 2 Wolde God that I had a cotage some where farre from folke, that I might leaue my people, and go from the: for they be all aduoutrers and a shrenckinge sorte. 3 They bede their tuges like bowes, to shute out lies: As for the treuth, they maye nothinge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wickednes to another, and holde nothinge of me, saieth the LORDE. 4 Yee one must kepe himself from another, no man maye safely trust his owne brother: for one brother vndermyneth another, & one neghboure begyleth another. 5 Yee one dissembleth with another, and they deale with no treuth. They haue practised their tunges to lye, and taken greate paynes to do myschefe. 6 They haue set their stole in the myddest of disceate, and (for very dissemblinge falsede) they wil not knowe me, saieth the LORDE. 7 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes, beholde, I wil melte them and trie the, for what shulde I els do to my people? 8 Their tunges are like sharpe arowes, to speake disceate. With their mouth they speake peaceably to their neghboure, but preuely they laye waite for him. 9 Shulde I not punysh them for these thinges, saieth the LORDE? Or, shulde I not be auenged of eny soch people, as this?