3 That I might geue vnto them that mourne in Sion, that I might geue [I say] beautie in steede of asshes, ioyfull oyntment for sighing, pleasaunt rayment for an heauie minde, that they might be called trees of righteousnesse, a planting of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in
4 They shall buylde the long rough wildernesse, and set vp the olde desert: they shall repayre the waste places, and suche as haue ben voyde throughout many generations
5 Straungers shall stande and feede your cattell, and the altauntes shalbe your plowmen and dressers of your vines
6 But ye shalbe named the priestes of the Lorde, and men shall call you the seruauntes of our God: ye shall enioy the goodes of the gentiles, and triumph in their substaunce
7 For your great reproofe you shal haue double ioy, and for shame shall they haue ioy of their portion: for they shall haue double possession in their lande, and euerlasting ioy shalbe with them
8 For I the Lorde whiche loue right and hate robberie (though it were offered me) shall make their workes full of faythfulnesse, and make an euerlasting couenaunt with them
9 Their seede also and their generation shalbe knowen among the gentiles, and among the people: all they that see them, shall knowe that they are the hye blessed seede of the Lorde
10 And therefore I am ioyfull in the Lorde, and my soule reioyceth in God: For he hath put vpon me the garment of saluation, and couered me with the mantle of righteousnesse: He shal decke me lyke a bridegrome, and as a bride that hath her apparell vpon her
11 For like as the ground bringeth foorth her fruite, and as the garden shooteth foorth seede: so shall the Lorde God cause righteousnesse and prayse to floorishe foorth before all the heathen