Isaiah 41:17-23

Bishops(i) 17 When the thirstie and poore seeke water and finde none, and when their tongue is drye of thirst, I geue it them saith the Lorde, I the God of Israel forsake them not 18 I bryng foorth fluddes in the hilles, and welles in the playne fieldes: I turne the wildernesse to riuers, and the drye lande to conduites of water 19 I plant in the waste grounde trees of Cedar, Boxe, Myrre, and Oliues, and in the drie I set Firre trees, Elmes, and Hawthornes together 20 All this do I, that they altogether may see and marke, perceaue with their heartes and consider that the hande of the Lorde maketh these thinges, and that the holy one of Israel bringeth them to passe 21 Stande at your cause saith the Lord, & bryng foorth your strongest grounde, saith the kyng of Iacob 22 Let them bring foorth their gods, and let their gods tel vs what shall chaunce hereafter, yea let them shewe vs the thinges that are past what they be, let them declare them vnto vs, that we may take them to heart, and knowe them hereafter 23 Either shewe vs thinges for to come, and tell vs what shall be done hereafter, so shall we know that ye are gods: do something either good or bad, so wyl we both knowledge the same, and tell it out