30 And the Lorde shall cause his glorious voyce to be hearde, and shall declare his stretched out arme with a terrible countenaunce, & with the flambe of a consuming fire, with noysome lightening, with a showre, and with hayle stones
31 For thorowe the voyce of the Lorde shall Assur be destroyed, which smote other men with the rodde
32 And it shall come to passe, that whyther soeuer he goeth the rodde shall cleaue vnto him which the Lorde shall laye vpon hym, with tabrettes and harpes: and with great warre shall he fight against his hoast
33 For the fire of hell is ordayned from the beginning, yea euen for the kyng is it prepared: This hath the Lorde set in the deepe, and made it wide, the burning whereof is fire and muche wood: The breath of the Lorde whiche is like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle it